
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Do not give up on your personal development journey

The personal development industry is growing at an astronomical pace today. There are so many books, e-books that have been written and audio books created on this timeless subject. With all these materials available most people still find their personal development a far-reaching target. This is so because there are critical elements that have been overlooked. Sometimes our personal strengths have often been overemphasis at the expense of our personal weaknesses or vice versa. I am a strong proponent that balance must be aimed at if meaningful results will be attained.

The process of developing yourself must have objective, purposeful and it must be associated with your strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths being things that you are good at and have no struggle achieving results in those areas. On the other hand your weaknesses are areas that you need to consistently enhance or acquire new skills to better position you in achieving meaningful results. Therefore, understanding your strengths and weaknesses are paramount to your personal and professional success.

Most people have haphazardly set out on their personal development journey without really understanding what purpose it will serve and why they have embarked on it. In order to achieve the maximum outcome from your personal development efforts, the following objectives must be aimed at:

1. Leaning new knowledge
2. Honing skills that you have and gaining those you need to achieve your objectives
3. Changing mental attitudes
4. Changing belief systems
5. Identifying roadblocks you have to overcome to reaching your goals
6. Developing an action plan and
7. The importance of knowing what you want.

Consequently, setting out and setting the course for your personal development aspiration the following elements are pivotal and must be taking into consideration.

Personal strengths,
Personal weaknesses,
Where you are now,
Where you desire to be in the future, and
The goals and objectives to be achieved.

Your personal and professional development is not debateable, it is the right action plan to embark on if you must achieve extraordinary success. GO GO GO...

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