
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Understanding the Importance of Time Management Part 2

Tips for Time Management

A to-do-list: Make and keep lists. It’s so much easier on your mind to get things out of your head and onto paper than burdening yourself with the task of remembering every single detail of what has to be done. This is especially useful if you’re super busy.

Setting priorities: Here’s how to work most effectively. As you are planning your day, first put everything to be accomplished on paper. Then, prioritize the activities with the most important task coming first and the least important task coming last. Work on the most important things first until completion. Then move on to the next task on your list. At the end of the day, no matter what, you will have worked on the first activity on your prioritized list. Incidentally, the apparent difference between high efficient people and low productivity people is how they manage their activities within the allotted time.

Goal setting: Goal setting is important in managing your activity to be done within the fixed time. Daily, weekly or monthly goals as the case may be will help you allocate time to the specific goals, which of course will help you know how your time is spent and how much can be accomplished.

Action plan: Someone said failing to plan is planning to fail. No one builds a house without first calculating how much it will cost, before jump-starting the building only to discover the lack of resources. To save time there must be action planned to getting the task done from the initial stages to the final stages.

Delegate: This is a method of sharing responsibility with eligible people with a view to enabling you focus your attention on and dedicates yourself to major issues within the framework of the activity to be accomplished. Learning to delegate tasks that can be done by others will free you up some time to concentrate on and get the most done.

Decision: Between you and the corresponding action to be taken is the decision to take action. You find that a lot of activities are left undone just because of indecision. As a result time is wasted. So as to manage your time a clear decision should be made and take action. Like NIKE; just do it.

Procrastination: This is one of the enemies of time management. You always have to push activities that should be done now forward or put on hold until it has piled up to the point where the stacks of things to be done is daunting to say the list.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Understanding the importance of Time management. Part 1

“Guard your spare moments well. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Time management refers to the tools and techniques for planning and scheduling time, with the intention to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of personal and corporate time use. Management is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through people. Time is irreplaceable, only spend able

Time management is a subject of importance on every level of our existence, be it family, business or corporate establishment. One very important point to take into consideration is that time is equally allotted to everyone. The equal opportunity among everyone, rich and poor a like, is that we all get 24 hours in a day. Achieving your set goals, assignments or to-do-list within the allotted time is what is crucial to you and your purpose. Time management is all about investing your time wisely in activities that are relevant to your purpose and minimizing your liabilities.

Time is finite. Time is invisible. Hence managing time may very well be elusive to most people. Time is the one commodity that everyone has the same amount. Most people could make use of good time management skills, but the irony is that time management is not actually about managing time. What you need to manage are the activities that are consuming your time without meaningful results. Again it is not just an issue of accomplishing much within the fixed time but that which is accomplished is substantial and pertinent to your values, goals, purpose and your migration towards your destiny.

We must learn on a regular basis to have another look at our values, goals, projects, and tasks and prioritizing them. Time management is about self-discipline, focusing on what is most important, regularly reassessing our priorities, concentrating on whatever makes us a better person, appreciating time, using it wisely, and acting now.

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The rewards of a Positive Mental Attitude

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” William James

The power of a positive mental attitude cannot be overemphasize. In our personal and professional lives the one most single factor to guarantee extraordinary achievement and success is having a positive mental attitude. In his book “keys to Success”, Napoleon Hill explicitly outlined the rewards of a positive mental attitude and he stated, “A positive mental attitude is the single most important principle of the science of success.” This list of rewards will serve as motivating factors in building a positive mental attitude. You will enjoy the following:

1. Success consciousness, which attracts only the circumstances which make for success
2. Sound health, both physical and mental
3. Financial independence
4. A labour of love in which to express yourself
5. Peace of mind
6. Applied faith, which makes fear impossible
7. Enduring friendship
8. Longevity and a well-balanced life
9. Immunity from self-limitation
10. The wisdom to understand yourself and others

There they are Mr. Hill’s lists on the rewards of a positive mental attitude. Now, if I may add to one or two to that list it would be that, 1. a positive mental attitude gives you the power and confidence to approach any situation or circumstance and 2. It contributes to your overall performance.

Mr. Hill also talked about the penalties of a negative mental attitude and I will be sharing them with you on my next post. Enjoy

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Bloggerwave Buzz

Do you have a blog and want to make some extra money? Then bloggerwave gives you the opportunity to do just that while you are blogging about what you love. Bloggerwave is aiming to be Europe's biggest advertsing media on blogs and you can help us grow so more and more jobs will come.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Turning Liabilities Into Assets By Zig Ziglar

A group of villagers in the Orient decided that a towering hill with a bamboo thicket on top had to be leveled so the ground could be used for farming purposes. That same hill in the United States would have required the aid of giant earthmoving equipment to level the ground, but the Oriental mind didn’t see things quite that way.

Thousands of people who lived in the immediate area got together and started removing the hill basket by basket of dirt. They handed down the baskets from top to bottom, and in some cases the lines were 2 miles long. For many days it seemed as though nothing was happening; the hill was not disappearing. But over time, due to incredible teamwork and the commitment of thousands of people, the hill was leveled to a beautiful, flat farming area.

By their example, the Orientals demonstrated that when we are confronted with seemingly impossible tasks, if we break them down into small segments—or one basket at a time—we can literally accomplish the impossible and move mountains. The villagers took a liability and turned it into an asset. Think about it.

Examine your liabilities—maybe you can convert them to assets, even if it’s just a basket at a time.

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Do not give up on your personal development journey

The personal development industry is growing at an astronomical pace today. There are so many books, e-books that have been written and audio books created on this timeless subject. With all these materials available most people still find their personal development a far-reaching target. This is so because there are critical elements that have been overlooked. Sometimes our personal strengths have often been overemphasis at the expense of our personal weaknesses or vice versa. I am a strong proponent that balance must be aimed at if meaningful results will be attained.

The process of developing yourself must have objective, purposeful and it must be associated with your strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths being things that you are good at and have no struggle achieving results in those areas. On the other hand your weaknesses are areas that you need to consistently enhance or acquire new skills to better position you in achieving meaningful results. Therefore, understanding your strengths and weaknesses are paramount to your personal and professional success.

Most people have haphazardly set out on their personal development journey without really understanding what purpose it will serve and why they have embarked on it. In order to achieve the maximum outcome from your personal development efforts, the following objectives must be aimed at:

1. Leaning new knowledge
2. Honing skills that you have and gaining those you need to achieve your objectives
3. Changing mental attitudes
4. Changing belief systems
5. Identifying roadblocks you have to overcome to reaching your goals
6. Developing an action plan and
7. The importance of knowing what you want.

Consequently, setting out and setting the course for your personal development aspiration the following elements are pivotal and must be taking into consideration.

Personal strengths,
Personal weaknesses,
Where you are now,
Where you desire to be in the future, and
The goals and objectives to be achieved.

Your personal and professional development is not debateable, it is the right action plan to embark on if you must achieve extraordinary success. GO GO GO...

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Quote Meal

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
GEN Colin Powell

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