
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Success Power Points 9: Never Quit Attitude

Unfortunately most of us have had to learn the hard way one of the most important success power points. A NEVER QUIT ATTITUTDE (NQA) in any enterprise is a priceless success power point that can not be overemphasized. Staying consistent to your goals and objectives no matter how slow things may seem has been the key to success that great achievers have used to achieve extraordinary success in their field of interest. It is important to develop a NEVR QUIT ATTITUDE (NQA) as you aspire to fulfil your dreams and goals, rather than jumping from one project to another because of temporary detours, this will only create a series of unfulfilled projects that can have a negative effect on the individual in the final analysis. Winners never quit and Quitters never win. I hope this post will help and inspire you to never give up on your dreams and aspirations

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